PhD and postdoc positions are available to join our group. For more details drop me an email.

Current Members

Graduate students:

  • Soumyadeep Chatterjee

Master's students:

  • Ashish Nayak
  • Kuldeep Nishad
  • Tanay Srivastava

Undergraduate students:

  • K Arnav

For prospective students and postdocs

PhD students: Highly motivated PhD students who are interested to work with our group are encouraged to drop me an email.

Postdoctoral fellows: Postdoctoral fellows related to our research interest are encouraged to get in touch with me. Usually IIT kanpur institute postdoctoral fellowship are open twice in a year. keep an eye on institute website. Application for NPDF are also very welcome.

MS students: Usually I have two MS thesis students opening in any year. Prospective students are encouraged to drop me an email. Preferences will be given to IIT kanpur students.

Undergraduate students: A limited number of undergraduate projects both formally and informally are available for highly motivated undergraduate students during the term time. Students are encouraged to send me an email and then drop by my office.

Summer/winter students: I am not available to supervise any students during summer and winter breaks. It is advised that you don't send me any emails with such requests. Emails asking about such requests may not be answered.